
If you have any feedback, about the shop, our services, your experience, please get in touch.

If you would like to make a booking please do so here.

Opening Hours

 9am-4pm Mon – Fri

10am-4pm Sat & Sun


6224 8669 (Tip Shop)

6223 3891 (Office)

PO Box 98 South Hobart 7004

3 + 11 =

Where are we?

We are located at the McRobies Gully Waste Management Centre, at the end of McRobies Road in South Hobart. From South Hobart, drive up Macquarie Street. Before you reach the Cascade Brewery, take the tip shop turnoff (slip lane on the righthand side of road) towards the historic Female Factory and follow the road as it curves to the left. Drive through the gates heading toward the landfill site and our large silver shop is on the left hand side of the road.

Using public transport from Hobart CBD, take the 446 Bus from Macquarie Street (stop N) towards South Hobart. Get off at stop 110 Cascade Road. From here it is an 8 minute walk to the Tip Shop (follow above directions).